Faden quartz forms in cracks in the host rock that widen slowly. If the crystal is attached to both walls of the opening, the rupturing and healing will repeat, leaving a scar of liquid and gas inclusions in the crystal—resembling a white thread, known as the faden.
This specimen naturally forms in the shape of a spaceship, making it exceptionally special and rare.

Skeletal quartz crystals differ significantly from the crystals commonly perceived by the public. Their distinctive appearance resembles that of an extraterrestrial spaceship.
In skeletal quartz, the edges grew more quickly than the faces, causing the edges to stand out like the frames of a window. During the growth process, the crystal’s surface is covered by soil, and new crystals cover the soil surface again. This cycle repeats, ultimately resulting in the formation of a three-dimensional and unique layered structure.

Veracruz Amethyst is exclusively produced in Mexico and is one of the finest varieties of Amethyst. These crystals are mostly small, around 2-3 cm; only rarely do they approach 10 cm.
However, this specimen, with three crystals reaching 10 cm in length, is a rare and collectible find.

The Scalenohedral Calcite Crystals are partially covered with lustrous iridescent metallic Chalcopyrite crystals on the surfaces.
Its unique form makes it a masterpiece of nature.

Compared to Marions produced in Brazil or Madagascar, Shandong Black Marion has bigger terminations with a darker and more profound color. Shandong Black Marion typically coexists with epidote and feldspar, giving it a more unique visual appeal.
As a whole, this crystal resembles a mountain range covered with lush greenery, sturdy, and full of vitality.