Are your items real?
What sets Crystal Lover apart from others is our attention to finding only the highest quality genuine products on the market today. Everything we sell is authentic. We do NOT sell replicas or casts.
What is the Crystal Lover’s return policy?
General merchandise returns, with some exceptions, can be made for free if postmarked within 30 days after purchase. All merchandise must be shipped back to Crystal Lover, and a refund will be processed. For further details, please refer to the return page.
Can I still return merchandise if I have lost my receipt?
Absolutely! Receipt information can typically be retrieved following your online purchase. We will gladly look up your purchase information with your account number, an SKU number, or if we can access your receipt, you will receive a refund to the original account or a store credit.
How long does it take for funds to become available when I make a return?
Full credit for mail-in returns is processed once the merchandise is received at Cystal Lover.
What should I do if merchandise arrives damaged?
Contact us immediately upon receiving your delivery. You can email us at: [email protected]. Save the materials the damaged product was shipped in. We will send out a replacement or issue a refund once we receive the damaged product(s). For further details, please refer to the return page.
Can I combine shipping if I purchase multiple items?
In most cases, yes. That is an option when you check out online. If you are purchasing larger items, please contact us directly so we can determine the best way to safely ship your product anywhere in the world.
Are you a wholesaler of Natural History Products?
No, we are not. If you have any needs, please contact us at (+61) 403 866 679