Private policy

Crystal Lover, recognizes and respects the importance of maintaining the privacy of our customers, registered members and users, and has established this Privacy Policy as a result. The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform you of: 

• The personal information we may collect from you when you visit our web site, respond to our emails, place orders via mail or fax, or otherwise contact us via telephone, email, fax or mail, use our mobile applications, place orders through social media applications (such as our Facebook and Instagram) or otherwise contact us via telephone, email, fax or mail (collectively, our “Services”),
• Why we gather information from you,
• How we collect it,
• How we use it, and
• The choices you have regarding our use of personal information you have provided.

This Privacy Policy governs your use of our web site located at  The Services are owned by Crystallover.
Note: You must be 18 years or older and the age of majority in your place of residence to use, subscribe or register as a member of Crystal Lover (or 21 years or older). The Service is a general audience site and we do not knowingly collect, maintain or disclose personal information from or about children under 13 years of age.


Why do we gather information?

Crystal Lover gathers personal information to help improve our products and customer service, to communicate with you, to process your orders, to provide an enhanced and more personalized shopping experience and to inform you, and your gift and message recipients, of special offers and discounts from us, our affiliated brands and selected third parties. 


What information do we gather?

We collect information through our Web Site, emails, mail, fax, and telephone, mobile applications and social media applications (such as our Facebook Page) including when you:place an order,participate in our forums, surveys, contests, sweepstakes, promotions, content submissions, chats, bulletin boards, discussion groups, requests for suggestions, and membership registrations, andengage in other activities, services, products and resources we make accessible to our customers,members or users.
Depending on how you interact with us, we collect some or all of the following types of information:
• Your name, address, telephone number, email address,
• Billing information (credit card number, expiration date alternate or additional billing information and billing address),
• Products purchased and occasion type (for example, Valentine’s Day),

• Any promotion or gift card code and related,
• Message and gift recipients; names, addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses, and
• Other information you provide to us, including User Submissions.
Information you provide to us may be collected by us even if an order, registration, or other process is started but not completed or otherwise cancelled.

How we use  Cookies, Action Tags?
A cookie is a small data file sent to your browser from a web server and stored on your computer. We use cookies to let us know that you are a prior customer, user or Member and to provide certain features to you. Most web browsers allow you to instruct the browser to prevent the use of cookies.
However, if you disable this feature, certain aspects of the Crystal Lover Web Site, such as the shopping basket, may not function properly.We have relationships with third parties who may receive non-personal information directly from the cookies placed by our Web Site on your computer to assist in analyzing our business and customers.
Our Web Site also uses a common web technology called action tags (also called single pixel gifs or web beacons) to anonymously track purchase, usage and other web activity information. Action tags (including third party tags) may be used to provide data to third parties for tracking purposes.However, our Web Site does not use action tags to collect or transfer personal information.

How we use the information we collect?
We use information we collect to communicate with you, to process your orders, to provide an enhanced and more personalized shopping experience, to inform you and your gift and message recipients of offers and discounts from Crystal Lover and our affiliated brands and to enable you to receive credits for purchases under loyalty or buying programs which you have joined.
Our Affiliates, subcontractors, and agents, and any successors to our business (if we ever sell some or all of our business), are not considered to be third parties under this Policy. We may provide your information to our Affiliates for use in connection with their businesses, including sending you offers and promotions. However, in connection with information collected under this Policy, they arerequired to comply with this Policy. "Affiliates" are persons or entities directly or indirectly controlling, controlled by, or under common control with Crystal Lover.
We may combine information we receive from you via our Services with information from our Affiliates and third parties. We use the combined information to enhance and personalize your shopping experience with us and to communicate with you in accordance with this Privacy Policy. 
We reserve the right to disclose information you provide to us as required by law, in response to legal process and law enforcement requests and as necessary or appropriate, in our view, to operate the Services, process orders or registrations, to conduct promotions, contests, and
sweepstakes you participate in, and to protect the rights or property of the Company, its Affiliates, users, customers, recipients, Members, Sponsors, Providers, Licensors, Merchants and Associates.
Please note that any personal information you reveal or post on one our public forums such as a message board, chat room, discussion group, folder, survey, contest, sweepstakes, user review and rate forum, and all User Submissions, are not protected by this Privacy Policy andmay be collected, shared and used by us or with third parties, including to contact you. Information you give out or post on our public forums you disclose at your own risk. 

Consent to Transfer and Submission:
Our Services are operated in the United States. If you are located outside the United States, please be aware that any information you provide to us will be transferred to and stored in the UnitedStates. By using the Services or otherwise providing us with information, you hereby consent to thistransfer. Although personal information collected by us through our Services is used by us in accordance with this Privacy Policy, laws generally applicable to the protection of personal data in the U.S. may not be as stringent as those in other countries. 

Links to Other Web Sites:
Crystal Lover wants you to be aware that when you click on links and/or ad banners that take you to affiliated or third-party web sites, or when you interact with us through third party services such as on our Facebook page, you will be subject to the privacy policies and terms of use of those services, not ours. We encourage you to read the posted privacy statement and user terms whenever using, and prior to providing any personal information to, any other service.

Security and Passwords:
If you place an order on our Web site, it encrypts the credit card number you submit prior to transmission over the Internet using secure socket layer (SSL) encryption technology. This technology works best when the Web Site is viewed using Internet Explorer® or Netscape Navigator®. However, no transmission of data over the Internet or any other network can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. Although we make reasonable efforts to safeguard personal information once we receive it, we cannot warrant the security of information we receive.
Portions of the Web Site (such as our Member registration and Address Book) may require registration and log-in processes in which you will select a user ID and password (collectively, the "Password"). Passwords provided to you by us are the confidential property of the Company andmay be used by you solely for your individual use of the Web Site (and otherwise as specified byus). You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of any Password and for all activities that occur using your Password, whether or not authorized by you. You agree to immediately notify us of any unauthorized use of your password or accounts. We may provide you with the ability to log into our Services using a social media account, such as Facebook Connect. We do not control the activities of such social media services and have no control over the data they collect or their privacy practices. You should review their privacy practices before using any such social media service.

How to Limit the Use of Personal Information?
From Third Parties
We do not share email addresses you provide with third parties without your consent. In addition, if you prefer that other personal information provided by you not be shared with third parties, please let us know by emailing, writing or calling us as described below. Your instructions will be processed as soon as reasonably practicable and in accordance with law.

Emailing us at: [email protected] from the email address which you wish to have removed (i.e.not shared with third parties), and include your postal mailing address in the message;

Telephoning us at: 212-889-9000 Monday – Friday, 10am to 5pm AEDT.
If you also prefer that we not use the personal information you have provided to contact you or yourmessage or gift recipients for our own marketing and promotional purposes, please indicate in your email or letter that you wish your instructions to apply to Crystal Lover. These instructions, however, do not apply to non-promotional messages from us. Any promotional email we send to you or your gift or message recipients will include a link to use to opt-out of receiving further promotional emails from the sender. 

Your Consent and Changes to this Policy:
Subject to the above provisions, by using our Web Site, you consent to the terms of this Privacy Policy. We may change our Privacy Policy from time to time as new features or services are added, suggestions from our customers are incorporated or other changes are made. We will post therevised Privacy Policy on our Web Site at least 30 days prior to their effective date – unless we believe changes must take effect sooner to comply with law or to protect the Company or our customers, users, Members, recipients, Sponsors, Providers, Licensors, Merchants, Associates and Affiliates, in which case the changes will be effective upon posting or as otherwise specified. By using, you agree to be legally bound and to abide by the Privacy Policy. 

Your Comments:
Crystal Lover welcomes feedback concerning this Privacy Policy. Please send your comments and questions to: [email protected]

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